Follow the prompts to donate via credit card below, or choose direct bank deposit, cheque or Paypal, ensuring you follow the instructions to ensure your donation is correctly allocated to our project:
Donate to Cows for Cambodia
What your donation can give
Vaccinating and Drenching a Cow
Feed a Cow For a Month
Bag of Rice to feed a family for a month
School Excursion for Fifty Kids
Build a Duck Farm
Feed 260 School Kids
Build a Cambodia family a house
Other ways to donate
By Direct Bank Deposit
Cows for Cambodia is a partner for Project J916N with Global Development Group (ABN 57 102 400 993). When you donate to Cows for Cambodia you are also supporting Cows for Botswana project J995N with Global Development Group.
BSB: 064118
Account: 10200094
Deposit Reference: your name & J916N
Email your donation details (date, amount, project number (J916N), any reference, name & email/address) to [email protected]
By Cheque
Payable to: Global Development Group
Include a note with the donation details (date, amount, project number – J916N, any reference, name & email/address to [email protected])
Post to: PO Box 651 Rochedale South QLD
To make a secure donation with PayPal click the link below. All donations over $2.00 are tax deductable.
Donation information
We promise to honor your generosity and use your donation in the most effective way possible and provide assistance where it is needed most within that category or to address a similar need.
Cows for Cambodia is a partner for Project J916N with Global Development Group (ABN 57 102 400 993). When you donate to Cows for Cambodia you are also supporting Cows for Botswana project J995N with Global Development Group.
To view Cows for Cambodia on our GDG AUS site:
If you live in the USA:
If you live in NZ:
J916N COWS FOR CAMBODIA is an approved aid and development project of Global Development Group (ABN 57 102 400 993), an Australian NGO approved by the Minister for Foreign Affairs to carry out quality humanitarian projects and provides long term solutions to poverty. Australian donations over $2 for eligible development activities are tax deductible. Any excess funds will be directed to other approved Cows for Cambodia activities. For more information about Global Development Group:
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